Endometriosis Support Group


Here is a support group that has been helping me all this while. I would not know who to seek for proper Endo care if its not for their advices and guidance.

I am lucky to have come across their page and get my medical issues properly attended. At the same time they have always been there to keep my sanity in tact in situations where nothing clearly make any sense.

I address them as my sisters, cause despite our cultural and background differences, we have each others back for motivation and encouragement.

I highly recommend sufferers alike to join the page and utilize the useful informations shared.

I cant thank them enough, especially Nancy Peterson herself for her unyielding contributions to this committee until it becomes this big yet unified in the same purpose, creating awareness.

#activist #singapore #endoawareness #excision #endometriosisters #endometriosistersinsg #endometriosis #chronicpain #awareness #invisibleillness #yellowforendo #heal #support #love
#surgery #endometrioma #laparoscopy #fightlikeagirl #adenomyosis #igsg #fitness #gymboxx #muscle #abs #courage #weightlifting #focus #determination #wellness #health

Featured in Berita Harian!



This article is dated 09/07/2014, Wednesday.

Written by Mr. Farid Hamzah of Berita Harian/Berita Minggu.

I finally translated it in a simplified version. Alhamdulillah. Do spread the awareness around. 🙂

IG: #endometriosistersinsg


Sakit Rahim Begitu Keterlaluan Hingga Pengsan

Anak bongsu dua beradik tidak tahu punca derita endometriosis

Senaman dan angkat berat merupakan amalan biasa bagi Cik Namira Mohamad Marsudi sejak tiga tahun lalu. Namun, di sebalik tubuh yang berotot itu, timbul masalah kesihatan yang telah lama membelenggu gadis 28 tahun itu.

Setiap kali terasa sakit di bahagian rahim atau ususnya, Cik Namira pasti menghadapi kesukaran bergerak ke mana-mana. Masalahnya begitu teruk sehinggakan beliau pernah pengsan- baik di rumah mahu pun di luar.

Biasanya, masalah tersebut akan timbul seminggu sebelum datang haidnya dan akan menjadi lebih teruk pada tiga hari pertama gadis itu kedatangan haid.

Yang pasti, rasa sakitnya itu sama seperti sakit senggugut yang dialami ramai wanita yang kedatangan haid. Sebaliknya, ia merupakan penyakit endometriosis- satu keadaan di mana sel-sel daripada lapisan rahim yang biasanya keluar sebagai darah haid dalam setiap putaran haid, membiak dalam kawasan luar rahim.

“Apabila masalah ini timbul, Tuhan sahaja yang tahu betapa sakitnya bahagian rahim, pinggul atau usus saya.

“Malah, belakang tubuh juga terasa sakit selain tubuh mudah penat,” jelasnya

Menurut anak bongsu dua beradik itu lagi, meskipun masalah itu dikesan dua tahun lalu, beliau berasakan hal itu telah dihadapinya sejak 10 tahun lalu.

Malangnya, sepanjang tempoh itu beliau hanya mengambil ringan masalah tersebut kerana menyangka ia sama seperti yang dialami ramai wanita lain.

Disebabkan beliau tidak mempedulikan masalahnya itu, keadaan menjadi semakin serius.

“Sebab terlalu sakit, saya pernah pengsan semasa di stesen MRT, dan semasa menuju ke klinik.

“Tapi kalau pengsan di rumah itu sudah berulang kali ia berlaku,” jelas kakitangan sumber manusia di sebuah syarikat itu lagi.

Akibatnya, beliau kerap mengambil cuti sakit.

“Sehinggakan saya telah diberhentikan kerja sebelum bekerj di tempat baru ini akibat masalah kesihatan saya itu,”katanya lagi.

Sehingga kini Cik Namira masih tidak tahu punca sebenar masalah tersebut yang sudah berada di tahap paling serius dan menyatakan bahawa ibu atau kakaknya langsung tidak mengalaminya.

“Ia tidak akan menjadi seburuk ini sekiranya saya mendapatkan rawatan daripada pakar yang benar-benar tahu akan masalah ini,” katanya lagi.

Endometriosis merupakan sejenis penyakit yang menjejas sekitar 10 peratus wanita.

Sehingga 30 peratus wanita mengadu terasa sakit semasa kedatangan haid dikesan menghidap endometriosis.

Namun, penyakit itu biasanya tidak dikesan kerana ia juga mungkin wujud di kalangan wanita yang mengalami petanda lain yang tiada kaitan dengan masalah haid atau kurang rasa tidak selesa semasa kedatangan haid.

Pakar perbidanan di Hospital Raffles, Dr Jazlan Joosoph, berkata endometriosis hanya menjejas kaum wanita dalam oeringkat usia reproduktif iaitu sejak usia mulanya akil baligh hingga ke usia menopos.

“Penyakit endometriosis boleh dibandingkan dengan penyakit barah.

“Ia boleh membiak, merebak dan membinasakan selain memusnahkan organ-organ reproduktif wanita seperti saluran telur dan ovari

“Lantaran itu, penyakit endometriosis berkait rapat dengan ketidaksuburan,” katanya.

Dr Jazlan menambah punca penyakit endometrisis masih menjadi tanda tanya.

Menurutnya, terdapat beberapa teori mengenai asal usul penyakit tersebut, namun puncanya dan mengapa ia berlaku masih tidak jelas.

Yang jeals ialah hanya berlaku apabila hormon-hormon seks wanita aktif di dalam tubuh, katanya lagi.

Endometriosis menyakitkan, kata Dr Jazlan lagi.

“Kesikatan yang dirasai boleh berbentuk senggugut atau sakit semasa haid (dysmenorrhea), sakit semasa bersatu atau dyspareunia, sakit semasa buang air kecil atau dysuria, sakit semasa buang air besar atau dyschezia dan sakit di bahagian pelvis dan pinggul tanpa sebarang sebab atau punca yang jelas (chronic pelvic pain).

“Penyakit endometriosis tahap lanjut boleh menyebabkan masalah ketidaksuburan atau kemandulan,” ujar Dr Jazlan lagi.

Sementara itu, bagi mengatasi rasa sakitnya, Cik Namira berkata beliau diberi ubat pelali sakit.

“Tapi saya tidak boleh bergantung pada ubat pelali sahaja.

“Sebagai satu cara untuk mengatasi rasa sakit, saya banyakkan bersenam selain memantau diet pemakanan.

“Inila satu cara saya hilangkan rasa sakit itu dengan menumpukan segala tenaga kepada senaman termasuk angkat berat,”ujarnya lagi.

Fakta Endometriosis

– Penyakit endometriosis adalah satu keadaan di mana sel-sel daripada lapisan rahim, yang biasanya keluar sebagai darah haid dalam setiap putaran haid, membiak dalam kawasan luar rahim.

– Tompok-tompok endometriosis boleh terdapat di saluran telur, ovari, usus, pundi kencing dan dinding pelvis.

– Dalam keadaan yang agak teruk, tompok-tompok endometriosis boleh merebak jauh sehingga organ otak, mata dan paru-paru.

– Jika ia membiak di organ ovari, maka kista endometriosis atau endometriotic cysts boleh terbentuk.

– Dalam tahap awal, penyakit endometriosis tidak menimbulkan sebarang simptom. Ia boleh menyepi selama bertahun-tahun.

– Pada tahap lanjut, penyakit endometriosis boleh menyebabkan pelbagai simptom dan rata-rata petanda sejagat yang berkaitan dengan endometriosis ialah sakit.

– Faktor-faktor risiko yang berkaitan dengan endometriosis adalah:

1) Wanita yang belum pernah hamil;

2) Sejarah penyakit serupa dalam keluarga terutama ibu, adik-beradik perempuan atau mak cik;

3) Sebarang masalah kesihatan yang menyekat pengaliran darah haid secara sempurna;

4) Jangkitan di bahagian pelvis tidak kira sama ada berhubungan atau tiada hubungan dengan kegiatan seks atau

5) Masalah kecacatan rahim.


Pelvic Pain So Severe It Leads To a Series of Fainting Incidents

The youngest of two siblings do not know what causes her chronic illness

Lifting weights has been her fitness regime since three years ago. But behind those flexed muscles, lies a body that has been battling stage 4 Endometriosis.

When the pain hits, it is difficult for the 28 year old to move around.

It is so severe that she’d fainted- at home and in public.

Usually this extreme pain arises a week before her cycle up to her third day of period.

It is unusual what deem as normal in the social context for women suffering from ‘dysmenorrhea’ is actually one of the symptoms of Endometriosis.

Endometriosis is a condition in which the endometrium abnormally develops outside of the uterus.

“Only God knows how horrible it is. The pain is not just at the pelvic, but everywhere else; my back, bowel and I have extreme exhaustion too,” she explained.

Ms. Namira mentioned that although she is diagnosed only two years ago, she always knew that something is wrong even at the young age of 18.

However, she has dismissed it thinking the pain is a common trait during menstruation as what many were told.

Due to this ignorance, her condition worsens.

“It is so severe I ever fainted in the train station and also when I was rushing to the clinic for immediate medical attention. Several fainting incidents happened at home too,” said the Human Resource officer.

This causes her to take medical leave often.

“To the extent I was terminated by my previous employer,”she added.

Until now Ms. Namira does not know the cause of this disease as none of her family members are effected by it.

“It will not have develop to this stage if there is an awareness on a proper Endometriosis care,” she exclaimed.

1 out of 10 women suffers from Endometriosis of which 30% complained of having dysmenorrhea suffer from Endometriosis as well.

Unfortunately, patients are usually misdiagnosed because the symptoms overlap with other medical conditions.

Dr. Jazlan Joosoph, a gynecologist from The Raffles Hospital explained that Endometriosis effects women who are in their reproductive age all the way to menopausal state.

“This chronic illness is adjacent to cancer in a sense that it can grow, spread and damage the reproductive organs such as the fallopian tube and ovaries. Therefore it can cause infertility.”

Dr. Jazlan mentioned that there is no concrete reason yet to what causes it except for some shady theories. What’s ascertain is that, it causes debilitating pain.

“The detrimental pain can commonly be identified in four areas; dysmenorrhea (extreme pain during menstruation), dyspareunia (pain during/after intercourse), dysuria (pain when urinate), dyschezia (pain when passing motion) and significantly chronic pelvic pain.”

For Ms. Namira, lifting weights has provide her with an escape route from her daily pangs. She feels that relying only on painkillers is not enough as it is damaging to her body in the long run. Keeping a healthy lifestyle is just as important in improving her chances for a better quality of life.

#activist #singapore #endoawareness #excision #endometriosisters #endometriosis #chronicpain #awareness #invisibleillness #yellowforendo #heal #support #love
#surgery #endometrioma #laparoscopy #fightlikeagirl #adenomyosis #igsg #fitness #gymboxx #muscle #abs #courage #weightlifting #focus #determination #wellness #health

IG: #endometriosistersinsg

Officializing #endometriosistersinsg on this blessed Friday. The plan is to take as many photos of people holding on to this banner and upload it to the official #endometriosistersinsg IG. The people who participate in this awareness just need to tag anyone they know who might be suffering or would benefit from this awareness. This way the chain of support continues.

So lovelies, I might just approach you for a snap! Put on your best smile yup!!

See you in IG!

#endometriosisters #endometriosistersinsg #endometriosis #chronicpain #awareness #invisibleillness #yellowforendo #heal #support #love



It’s around a week plus from my supposed menstruation cycle and I called it The Phase 3.

I am already feeling lethargic all the time and my mood swings are very bad. Especially with the current affair I am in. We have plans for this weekend but he has to cancel it cause ‘something came up’ thus decided to disappear on me. It’s hurtful. Though this is not the first time, the pain doubles everytime. Nothing seems to cheer me up now.

Sometimes I wonder, what difference does it make? The sadness in my eyes, the heartaches are all still there. In fact I cried more now compared to any period of my life before.

My pee has been brown the past 4 days. Worryingly. Despite drinking two litres of water last night it still came out the same only lighter. I do not know if its Endo related.

PMS and weekend wasted all thanks to you. You keep breaking my heart time and time again. I am suffering just to stay ‘invisible’.

When Silence Speaks Volume

I am wounded for the set of events that happened to me the past months particularly this month of May. The reason why I have not been ranting is because it was just too much too soon. I am grateful that my career progression has been smooth sailing but the demands of it without proper guidance are overwhelming. It just does not make sense. But I swim through.

Then the shock from a strong instinct to go for a second opinion as suggested by my Endometriosis Sisters chat group. I was recommended to meet up Dr. Peter Barton Smith for my extended pain. Looking at his profile, he is no doubt a skilled surgeon particularly in handling Endometriosis. I was hopeful he is able to shed some light on my alarming escalating monthly pain especially on my left abdomen. True enough, I have Endometriomas on my bowel and bladder, having reached stage 4 of its severity. The most disappointing part was when I was told that nothing is being done on my Endometriosis issues during the 6 surgical procedures I had last year. I am totally stunned!

So here it goes again, battling it up on my own. And I am cut again deep.

When Silence Speaks Volume

Endometrisosis: Bad Food vs Good Food (Project)


I posted this on my facebook status around a month ago because I was curious and out of my wit. I am wondering since there is no substantial remedy out there to help me sail through my predicament with Endometriosis & Irritable Bowel Syndrome, I should just give it a shot.

I changed my lifestyle completely from 20th December 2013, refusing all that worked for my body thus far. I was chomping on fried food, fast food, gravy with massive sodium intake, sugary tidbits, creamy delicacies, cheesy morsels, you name it, and I eat them all. Although I enjoyed tantalizing my palette with these treats, the aftermath was extremely bad. It was so bad that I was reliant on Arcoxia almost daily and my tract was acting up horribly that I’d be on bed until mid-day before I would be able to resume normal activities. I was spotting & bleeding three weeks in a row and cringing in bed most of the time. Alarmingly, I had to be taken to A&E. I was put on a drip and given a jab of Tramadol & Metoclopramide. It was not surprising that TTSH gave me another dosage of Mefenamic to counter heavy bleeding. Ever since the switch of dietary regime & activity level, topping that off with unloading of Visanne, I have not been feeling any greater than before I started it.

A month on this experiment, I was startled when Arcoxia no longer works wonders. I had to quit my job and administer these issues right away. The general practitioner gave me two more medicines (Dhacopan & Panaco) to be taken with Arcoxia and these just put me to sleep the whole day. Realizing that the severity escalated, I decided to abandon ship and resume my previous lifestyle with immediate effect.


Two weeks on board and I’ve felt tremendous improvement. Aside from slowly sliding back to my previous physical & fitness achievement, most notably, pain subsided instantly by day one itself. My stomach is less bloated, nauseous deaden, pelvic pain bearable, chills & aches reduced. The best part is feeling under control again especially emotionally. I am able to handle a full time job again. Everything is falling back into place.


This experiment opened my eyes how food place a huge importance in aiding recovery. What you put down your gullet can either be a cure or a poison depending on your choices. So far Endo Diet has done justice to my body but I had to tweak some of it since they are bad for my Irritable Bowel Syndrome. One example is how nuts are essential in Endo Diet but a huge no-no for Irritable Bowel Syndrome sufferers.

My belief stands firmly on the perception that there are no two bodies alike. Whatever diets out there only serve as a platform to guide you along the way. Eventually you have to listen to your body, take note of how it effects you and diminish whatever that does not work for you. Discover what your ‘Sweet Spots’ are and your journey towards managing pain would be less of a hassle. This coupled with an active lifestyle will set you well on attaining holistic wellness.

Endometriosis: Recap 2013

2013 has seen the best of me through the worst of me. It was not easy registering the fact that there is no cure for Endometriosis up to date. The complexity of it is overwhelming & by year end I have given so much to it and lost so much because of it. Yet I have my chin up and looking forward to a fruitful 2014.

Below is the list of struggles I face throughout the year not to wallow myself in pity, rather to remind myself despite all these, I am still up on my own two feet:

1)      December 2012- First diagnosed with Endometriosis. Scan showed cysts on each ovary and a fibroid on my uterus. Started Visanne.

2)      January 2013- Battling drastic weight gain due to depression and counter reaction to Visanne.

3)      March 2013- Cysts gotten bigger with new discovery; a polyp in my uterus. Started a healthy lifestyle; on Endo diet & started taking weightlifting seriously.

4)      May 2013- Endo diet & daily gym routine proven increased in stamina. Getting the hang in managing pain & chronic fatigue.


5)      June 2013- Cysts, fibroid & polyp still not going away. Pain heightened. Went into a relapse. Atop, I had influenza infection. Isolation required.


6)      July 2013- Decided to forgo KKH advises. Jumped straight to Sidek Clinic for Women. I had six surgical procedures done at Parkway East Hospital few days after consultation.

7)      August 2013- Road to recovery after surgeries.


8)      September 2013- Went through Colonoscopy at TTSH due to chronic bowel issues.

9)      October 2013- Got fired from work on the spot due to extended light duty request from the hospital. Colonoscopy result & tests came out positive of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).


10)   November 2013- Started a part time job while seeking a full time position. Follow up showed cysts came back on both ovaries & a polyp in the uterus. Depleting bank account.

11)   December 2013- Decided to stop taking Visanne and seek natural remedies. Battling withdrawal up to date. Financially crippled. Seek financial & employment help from Southeast Community Development Council (CDC).

12)   January 2014- Still battling withdrawal and on a mission to take it easy on the whole healthy lifestyle idea just to see whether higher fat percentage would aid in stopping the progression of Endometriosis. Went into a relapse.



Who said it is going to be easy? No it is not. In fact it has never been. I just got used to living with it. How?  By choosing to live life happily & live it up like I mean it. It has definitely altered my plans and goals & effected my dreams and wants. I could not make a decision that easily without thinking of the consequences it has on my health. I could not be bold and just be the adventurous me because the slightest projection of complacency might lead to another visit to the A&E.  So it has made me gone through dark times of physical agony, emotional misery, career hiccup, employment termination, financial stress, heated arguments with love ones among others, yet on the flipside, it has groomed me to be confident in my own skin & get me to do/see things I’ve never thought of doing/seeing.  I learn to take life one step at a time and appreciate the present moment. Rather than harping on others & living up dreams to attain contentment, I learn to create happiness instead and found a great sense of joy from the simplest things, making the best out of each passing time. Life is too short to linger in sadness for too long. At times of distress, I would cry, I would wail my heart out, and I would still move on.  


I believe if God put me in it, He will get me through it! Have faith and hold it strong.

Here’s to a prosperous 2014 and to the years we’ve overcome the demon. Eventually Endometriosis does not have us! Regardless!


Que Sera Sera- On Matrimony & Conceiving (Kalau Dah Jodoh Tak Ke Mana)

I have been asked countless time why am I still single?

Let me get it straight, I am not looking.

Why am I not looking? Why then am I not hitched yet? What’s taking me so long? Stop being choosy & just get married.

Because it is not within my control and no, I am not being choosy, I am being reasonable.

I am not looking because I am being realistic. I know my condition calls for a miracle to happen. Because I don’t seek for perfection in life rather I make my everyday worthwhile. Because I don’t have to have it all to achieve happiness. Because I rather be independent than rushing to get married just to fulfil the dogma that society creates.

Let’s face it, I am a woman who is suffering from a set of issue that causes infertility. In order for me to conceive, I have to go through IVF process that promise nothing but a glimpse of hope. That’s SGD10000 every time & not inclusive the ongoing treatment and medication that goes along with it. It’s bullshit to not dream of having your own little one. It is pure nonsense to tell me that you are getting married just so you could share companionship without the want of creating a family. Just get married anyway. I know it could happen, but I am not rooting for it because it rarely does. See, I am being realistic.

Infertility aside, my treatment alone cost a bomb. Not forgetting the unpredictable attacks and relapses. I do not expect someone to just be able to… “Hey! It is absolutely ok. I am here to the rescue!” And rescue me every time I am in need. And that is mostly every day because that is how often the pain strikes. Who would want to waste his lifetime ever readily with someone so frail that challenges financial stability too? See, I’m being reasonable.

Nonetheless that does not mean you can be ignorant. Just because I don’t prioritize getting married and enjoy socializing that makes me cheap. That too does not mean you can spew harsh judgments on me as if cheering upon seeing the endless rollercoaster ride I am in.

“Mandul la kau ni? Patut lah tak laku”, “Harap muka cantek buat apa. Takde hasil“, “Andartu rupanya”, “Kesian kau dah tua nanti takde yang jaga”, “Nasib kau lah tk bawak tuah,” “Nasib baik kau tk jadi kawen dulu, tak dah janda kan”.

(In English: “Oh you are infertile? No wonder nobody wants you,” “What’s the point of having a pretty face if you cannot provide an heir?” “Oh you are a spinster (sarcastically)”, “Oh pitiful! No one is going to take care of you when you are old”, “Maybe you are jinxed”, “Lucky you did not get married otherwise you might have been divorced”)

Society, how cruel can you be?

When it is never enough, why live to please others?

It is debasing. It is hurtful. There’s no doubt it does pressured me. There are many times it would hit me hard that I feel disgusted with myself. But if I were to keep dwelling in it I would live in disdain when there is so much more to life than just about getting married and conceiving. I believe if something is not meant to be than it would be due for greater things. In Him I trust. So if I cannot bear my own offspring then maybe I am chosen to spread joy and love among orphans who need them the most. I believe He is grooming me to receive greater responsibilities and equipping me to be able to see the blessings in every predicaments. I may not understand it now but I have faith the outcome would be unimaginable and is assured whether the place is here or the hereafter. Whichever, I still gain.

If you have your heart believing that in patience there is virtue, what can go wrong?

So living independently I will until the day comes that I will eventually understand everything.

The next time you want to impose a perception on a person, make sure you know why that person is reacting in that manner. Be kind to yourself so that you will not end up being the biggest jerk.

life-is-a-giftLife is a gift. You have to make each passing day count so that you would look back with a smile knowing that you have made the best out of it. Let’s choose to live it strong!

Endometriosis: Financial Prep & Laparoscopy Tips (Part 4)

At the time of discharge I was wallop with a bill surmounting to five digits, way too much from what I have with me. It costs me around SGD15000 when what I have was just SGD9000 thinking that it would suffice. I was not allowed to leave the premise until amount is cleared and when asked if there is any financial assistance available, they suggested talking to my insurance agent or immediate family members for help. I was at the end of my wit. I couldn’t think clearly.

I tried to regain composure despite heaving and started asking around for money. It was never a nice thing to do. In fact I felt so tiny I couldn’t bring myself to accept the fact that it would come to this. Fortunately my parents are still around and they have seen it coming. In fact they have put aside some amount for this dire time. Yet despite that, I was still short. And I could not think of anyone else for help. Time was ticking. Two hours passed and I was still stuck.

That was when my best friend popped in and passed me the rest of the amount without hesitation. I could not contain my emotions & tears began to stream down uncontrollably. It was overwhelming. I was totally in disarray.

One thing I learned from this experience is to prepare well not just mentally and emotionally but above all financially. Atop I also learn that it is ok to ask for help and receive help. You have to face the fact that despite how independent you are, there will come to a point where you just have to put your ego aside and seek assistance and there’s nothing wrong in doing that. You have to let your guards down a little and understand that you cannot keep doing everything on your own. When misery divides it lessens the burden. You will feel stronger. So let the very people who love you unconditionally and have been waiting to assist you in. Let them help you.

Financially in debt, I contacted my insurance agent and she has been one tough cookie who fought hard for me to attain full reimbursement on all medical bills together with months of pre and post surgeries claims. She has lightened my financial burden so much that I am able to settle all debts within a month after surgery. It was that quick. I could finally channel my mind fully on recovery.

The plans that I took from her comprises of:
1) Pru Flexicash Protection Plus
2) Prushield A Premier
3) Prushield Extra

With them I am covered fully from ambulance emergency service & hospitalization bills to clinical follow ups and topping up of medications bills. It is definitely a wise decision to have listened to my father and got myself my first insurance plan right after graduating. I highly recommend you to give my insurance agent a call if you need some financial advice. She will not let you down. I am confident in saying this because she never disappoints me all these years. In fact she went the extra mile in ensuring all my financial issues settled. I know I am in safe hands and I am sure you’d too.


10th tip: GET INSURED
– Ensure you have plans that cover you fully rather than partially. It will help you a lot financially.
– Ensure you engaged with a reliable agent that is there to listen and recommend plans that work for you rather than blindly selling you for selfish profitable reasons.
– Ensure you are able to communicate freely and openly with your agent because in a long run you are building a lifetime trust.

So this finalizes in retrospect my experience and what I learned through my treatments leading to the surgeries. Let’s go through it again shall we:

Endometriosis: Financial Prep & Laparoscopy Tips (Part 1)
1st tip: PACK LIGHT

Endometriosis: Financial Prep & Laparoscopy Tips (Part 2)
4th tip: WALK IT
5th tip: GINGER TEA

Endometriosis: Financial Prep & Laparoscopy Tips (Part 3)
9th tip: MEDITATE

Endometriosis: Financial Prep & Laparoscopy Tips (Part 4)
10th tip: GET INSURED

I hope with these pointers it would be able to give you some insights on prepping you well for your laparoscopy. Next, I will be sharing with you my story on recovering from these surgeries.

So keep coming back now! 😉

Endometriosis: Financial Prep & Laparoscopy Tips (Part 3)

I was still having tense pain under my right rib cage every now and then on the third day but it was not as severe as the day before. In fact I was healing well. I was no longer down with fever too. I realize that as the air dispersed further, the pain reduced. I reckon that must be it. I ever read that trapped air would cause aches and chills around the body especially around the neck, shoulders & lower back and in my case, under the rib cage too. A light massage does help to ease these aches. Luckily my mom is good in giving some.

– Get someone to massage on the areas you are having aches.
– Usually these are cause by trapped air.
– Common areas are: neck, shoulder, arms, upper back & lower back.
– It is also good to keep your body warm every time. The aches would intensify when you are feeling cold. So cover up well!


My belly was still swollen. And it still felt heavy on the third day of stay. It did felt better compared to the first day but I was still getting used to the ‘new look’. I have four wounds all stitched and covered. It began to itch by the third day and it was very uncomfortable especially in trying to restraint myself from scratching. Having a water bag on the stomach does ease it up. In fact I could sleep soundly with it.

– Get one for the swollen belly.
– Your stomach will feel lighter and it helps to ease up the itching wounds.

I was still given ‘Arcoxia’ for the pain but I realize that when I think too much, I’d start getting myself worried for nothing and that is when it affects recovery. I concur that I was sucked into a series of emotional roller coaster & endless mood swings, but with the unyielding support, love & care from the people around me, it makes me not wanting to fall deep into these ‘drama’. Yes there were times when I got so frustrated that out of the sudden I would start lashing at people. And I could burst into tears that random too. But I would pull myself together and calm down. I would do just about anything to distract myself from getting too wired up. I would meditate using some breathing techniques I learned from yoga sessions, watched you tube videos that tickled me to my bones and shared insightful conversations with the other half; reminiscing on beautiful moments and how much we have overcome.

9th tip: MEDITATE
– Do whatever that could calm you down and stay positive.
– Breathe deeply and free your mind.
– Get some good essential oils. I’m using Phyto Essence from Living Wellness.
– Just laugh and laugh hard
– Take one step at a time and get excited on every little progression you made. Know that everything is going to be alright and you will get better.

I was finally given the green light to go home on the fourth day. I was rejoicing on this but soon I was hit hard with shocking news that rendered me helpless.